讲师,管理学博士。美国俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)联合培养博士生,英国巴斯大学会计与金融专业硕士(University of Bath)。
主要研究方向为财务管理与公司金融。先后在《EPL (Europhysics Letters)》《Journal of Cleaner Production》等SCI/SSCI期刊上发表多篇学术论文,参与多项国家自科基金、国家社科基金、横向课题等项目
[1] Zhang X, Kong Y, Ding X. How High-Quality Urbanization Affects Utilization Efficiency of Agricultural Water Resources in the Yellow River Basin under Double Control Action?[J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(7): 2869. (SSCI)
[2] Zhang X, Li D. How the Individuals' Memory Affects the Evolution of Prisoners' Dilemma Game in the Two-layer Network[J]. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2020, 129(1): 10002. (SCI)
[3] Zhang X, Kong Y, Liu Y. Option Valuation of Carbon Emission Allowance by a Recursive Algorithm[J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2019, 28(2/3): 97-101.
[4] Liu Y, Zhang J, Ding X, Zhang X. Intervene in advance or passively? Analysis and application on congestion control of smart grid[J]. Annals of Operations Research,2021. (SCI)
[5] Liu Y, Tian L, Sun H, Zhang X, Kong C. Option pricing of carbon asset and its application in digital decision-making of carbon asset[J]. Applied Energy,2021. (SCI)
[6] Liu Y, Tian L, Sun H, Yuan L, Zhang X. Marginal return-ability measurement of carbon emission right and its application to unification route analysis of carbon markets[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 345:130684. (SCI)